Monday, April 6, 2020

Together Apart

Together Apart

In and out of the same four rooms
Blossoms outside the window
A view rarely noticed until
It becomes the new office
Faces in a grid staring back at me
My connection to the outside
Where the heart still beats
The world turns round
And Mother Nature soothes
With swaying trees against the sunrise
And bird choruses heralding springtime

Runners break free of their confines
Soaring down paths and avenues
Silhouettes of the restless moving up and down steps
In the empty stadium of a school devoid of life
Where bells have gone silent and hallways empty
Bearing no jubilant banners of prom or graduation
Outside the heart still beats
The world turns round
And Mother Nature soothes
With her fresh, fragrant breezes
And rainbow-filled skies after the rain

Shoppers hurry by with averted glances
Fearful eyes peering above meager masks
The store darkened by underlying tension
And the unspoken how long? HOW LONG?
Clutching precious rations they rush out the door
Where the heart still beats
The world turns round
And Mother Nature soothes
With her technicolor blooms
Warm sun on glittering rivers

Screens feed continual streams of data
Numbers, graphs, trajectories, and photos
Probabilities, possibilities…and no certainties
As a giant question mark hovers over an unwritten future
Screens also offer distraction, compassion, connection
Faces of loved ones smiling and yearning to be near
While our hearts still beat
The world turns round
And Mother Nature soothes
With a spirit of unwavering courage
And the will to live on

1 comment:

ScottH said...

Whooo. Touching. Well done.